Pioneering Quantum Space Experience

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Quantus Space builds ground-breaking research & softwares using the power of quantum computers

Our Research

NASA – Analyzing D-Wave 2X system

As we enter the quantum computing era, security becomes of at most importance. With the release of D-Wave One in 2011 and most recently the 2000Q, with 2,000 qubits, and with NASA and Google using D-wave Systems quantum computers, a thorough examination of quantum computer security is needed. Quantum computers underlying hardware is not compatible with classical boolean and binary-based computer systems and software.

Our vision

Research & developments using quantum computer

To research and develop pioneering quantum experiences and software for space and industrial agencies.

Research and investigate quantum computing systems that operate in production environments to accelerate quantum-classical with classical algorithms and develop technical solutions.

Trusted by

  • cirq
  • scopus
  • nasa
  • Cambridge
  • ibmq
  • qiskit
  • google
  • uq